Accepted papers MUST be presented at the conference by one of the authors, or, if none of the authors are able to attend, by a qualified proxy. Papers may be presented orally or as posters, as determined by the Technical Program Chairs. There will be no distinction in the proceedings between full papers presented orally and as posters. Accepted papers will also be included in the Conference Proceedings and will be submitted to the major database, Engineering Village, Scopus, etc.
Oral Presentation
1. File format: MS PowerPoint (*.ppt) or Adobe PDF (*.pdf);2. Time: About 15mins, including Q/A part. Please make sure your presentation is well-timed;
3. Language: English;
4. Fonts: Arial or Times New Roman;
5. Dress code: Formal clothes;
6. Facility: A laptop will be available in the conference room, presenters are suggested not to use their own laptop. If presenters plan to use their own laptop, please notify the conference secretary via e-mail in advance and test the connection (It's better to bring any necessary adaptors) before the session start;
7. Procedure: Copy the presentation file to the conference laptop no later than 10 minutes prior to your session start.
Poster Presentation
1. Poster Size: 80cm×100cm, W×H;2. Language: English;
3. Color printing;
4. The poster should include the Paper ID, the Conference Name’s Acronym, the Significance of the research, the methods used, the main results obtained, and the conclusions drawn;
6. Posters are required to be condensed and attractive, and the characters should be large enough;
7. Author should stand by your poster, explaining and answering doubts or questions during the poster session;
8. The conference organizer won't send/keep any posters after the conference.
Online Presentation
· Please prepare Computer with a working camera and audio system;· Stable Internet Connection (a wired connection is preferable);
· Quiet place with proper lighting;
· Rename yourself with Session Number +Paper ID+Name, before entering meeting room;
· Enter the venue 15 Mins in advance.